Freischaffende Künstlerin
Studium und Weiterbildung:
2011 – 2014
Filmregie, filmArche, Berlin, DE – Weiterbildung, dazu Workshops in Dramaturgie, Schauspiel, Genres, Poetry Films
Digital Kameras; Erzählen in bewegten Bildern – Münchner Filmwerkstatt, München, DE – Workshops
Cambridge Certificate English Language Teaching for Adults (CELTA), Berlin School of English, Berlin – Weiterbildung
2002 – 2005
First Class with Honours BA degree in Fine Arts & Critical Studies, Goldsmiths College, London, UK
2001 – 2002
C.A.P. (Fransözische Zertifikat) für Audiovisuelle Medien Vorführung, Toulouse, FR – Weiterbildung
1996 – 2001
Maitrise Bildende Kunst und Kunsttheorie, mention Très Bien, Universite Toulouse Le Mirail, France
2005 Tooth Travelling Scholarship, Goldsmiths College, London
2012 ComPeung A.I.R. (Chiang Mai – Thailand) – Animation ‘The Witch‘ (WT) with Tobias Sternberg
Ausstellungen und Screenings
Screening, Kurz Gesehen, curated by Elisa Rosi, Lichtblick Kino, Berlin, DE.
Screening, filmArche DVD Release Screening, Kino Zukunft, Berlin, DE.
Screening, Shortcutz Berlin, selected by Rita Guerreiro & Dimitris Argyriou, Berlin, DE.
Screening, Festival en Suite, PR-Event organised by Janina Witthuhn, La Winter, Berlin, DE.
Screening, Kurzfilmtag, curated by Stefanie Köhler, B|Shop Raum für Ton und Bild, Dresden, DE.
Screening, Kurze Ware – die filme aus der filmArche, curated by Daniel Brennecke, Kino Zukunft, Berlin, DE.
Screening, The Light and Shadow Salon, curated by Emmanuel Lorien Spinelli, The Horse Hospital, London, GB.
Competition, OK. Video FLESH – 5th Jakarta International Video Festival 2011, curated by ruangrupa, National
Gallery of Indonesia, Jakarta (7 – 17 October 2011), Indonesien.
Screening Program ‘Dark Forward’, Video Art Festival Miden, curated by Giorgos Dimitrakopoulos, Gioula
Papadopoulou, and Margarita Stavraki, Historic Centre of Kalamata, Griechenland.
The Invisible Transfer of Signals, a Cultural Experiment at the Romanian Cultural Institute, London, GB. Curated by Dragos Olea and Performance with Blank Ensemble.
Not Out of the Woods Yet, Show 1, The Projection Gallery, Liverpool. Liverpool Biennale Independents 2006.
Projecktor – Max 5, Café Gallery Projects, London, GB.
BA Tooth Travelling Scholarship at the MA Degree Show, Goldsmiths College, London, GB.
Video i Arts Digitals festival, Gerona / Spanien
2 nd International Media Art Festival, organised by Armenian Center for Contemporary Experimental Art and curated by Eva Khachatryan, Yerevan/Armenien.
Island Art Film and Video Festival, organised by Prenelle Gallery/London,GB.
Video Screening, Candid Arts Trust, Angel, London, GB
Nomad @ Hoxton Cars, group show, Nomad Collective, Hoxton Square, London, GB.
1998 – 2002
Performances innerhalb des Oral Poetry Gruppes mit Serge Pey, Emmanuel Lorien Spinelli, Sebastien Lespinasse, Rene Gouzenne, Cave Poesie, Toulouse, Frankreich.