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EULENGASSE @ Supermarket — Stockholm Independent Art Fair

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SUPERMARKET 2023 – Stockholm Independent Art Fair
Stadsgårdsterminalen, Stadshamnen 26, 116 45 Stockholm / Sweden
Ausstellungsraum EULENGASSE
Vládmir Combre de Sena, Harald Etzemüller, Gözde Ju
Eröffnung am Donnerstag 11. MAI – 18 h
ENABLE ausstellungsmachen (neu) denken
Wir eröffnen ein Diskussionsfeld darüber, wie man Ausstellungen in Projekträumen kuratiert. Aus welchen Bereichen werden eigentlich Ausstellungen gemacht: Kunstwissenschaft, Soziologie, Humangeographie, Architektur, Theater, Neue Medien… Das Naturereignis Tag-Nacht-Grenze ist eine gute Metapher für den Bereich der Kunstbetrachtung. Struktur und Aufgabe des unabhängigen Kunstbetriebs unterscheiden sich vom Establishment. Wir möchten tiefer in die Grauzone der Künstler – Kuratoren und ihrer Rolle eintauchen. Unabhängige Kuratoren legen Wert auf die Vermittlung von Kunst und die Förderung der kulturellen Vielfalt. Es geht nicht nur um die visuelle Präsentation von Kunstwerken, sondern auch um deren Verständnis und Übersetzung, um tiefer in die künstlerischen Visionen und Ideen einzutauchen.
ENABLE (new)thinking exhibition making
(new)thinking exhibition making We open up a field of discussion on how to curate exhibitions in project spaces. From which fields exhibitions are actually made: art science, sociology, human geography, architecture, theatre, new media… The natural event Twilight Zone is a good metaphor for the field of art appreciation. Structure and task of the independent art business are different from the establishment. We would like to immerse more deeply in the grey zone of artists – curators and their roles. Independent curators emphasise the mediation of art and the encouragement of cultural diversity. It is not only about the visual presentation of artworks, but also about their understanding and translation, in order to dive deeper into the artistic visions and ideas.
EULENGASSE Professionals’ Meetings
Thursday 11 May – 2:30pm
hosted by Gözde Ju
»The Curator’s Role in a Sustainable World« with Melike Bayık (TUR)
Friday 12 May – 2:30pm
hosted by Harald Etzemüller
»Curating from the end of the world« with Cristiana Tejo (BRA/PT)
EULENGASSE Talks in our booth (Public and curators)
Friday 12 May – 4pm »Curatorial praxis – Public space«
with Melike Bayık (TUR)
Saturday 13 May – 4pm »Curatorial praxis – Artist Residency«
with Cristiana Tejo (BRA/PT)
Melike Bayık (TUR)
Vládmir Combre de Sena
Harald Etzemüller
Gözde Ju
Cristiana Tejo (BRA/PT)
and our virtuelle guests
Eunha Chang
Curator | KOR
Exhibition Coordinator at Seoul Museum of Art
Moacir dos Anjos
Curator and Art Critic | BRA
Chief curator of the 29th São Paulo Art Biennial, Brazil
Co-Curating the Brazilian representation at the 54th Venice Biennale
Brigitta Amalia Gonser
Art Scientist and Curator | GER
Curator Marielies Hess Art Prize for elderly artists from the State of Hesse, Germany
Marcus Graf
Culture and Art Scientist, Curator and Author, Professor for Theory of Contemporary Art at Yeditepe University Istanbul | GER·TUR
Co-Curator Video Program 10th Istanbul Biennial
DeDe Handon and Eva Weingärtner
Artists and Curators | USA + GER
Atelier Orbit24, artist-run space, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Pernilla Iggstrom
Artist and Curator | SWE·GBR
ArtCan London, GBR
André Severo
Artist and Curator | BRA
Associate Curator at the 30th São Paulo Art Biennial, Brazil
Co-Curating the Brazilian representation at the 55th Venice Biennale
Andrea Simon
Interdisciplinary and Curator | GER
Art Collection District Office Hofheim am Taunus, Germany